You Might Laugh: Sedation Dentistry

At OnCall Dental in Fresno, we handle a wide varitey of urgent dental situations. From weekend warriors who lost a tooth on the playing field to the kid with the severe toothache in the middle of the night, we have pretty much seen it all, and treated it all.

In many cases, patients arrive here in great pain, and are facing painful treatment. Sedation is frequently necessary to treat them quickly, efficiently, and without pain.

One of the most common forms of sedation dentistry is nitrous oxide, better known as laughing gas. It is often described as light sedation, probably because it does not put you to sleep. But nitrous oxide is enough to make most patients feel very relaxed. They may not actually laugh, but in most cases they are able to undergo treatment.

Did you know that nitrous oxide has been used in dentistry for more than a hundred years? It’s true. That’s probably because it is so safe and, above all, effective. It takes effect quickly, wears off quickly, and for the majority of patients, there are no side effects. A minority experience headaches, nausea, shivering, or sweating.

Nitrous oxide is administered through a mask, and is actually a mixture of nitrous and oxygen. It is so safe that it is the sedation method of choice for treating children who are anxious about seeing the dentist.

Remember that at OnCall Dental in Fresno, we handle dental emergencies on a routine basis. They include toothache relief and extractions. You don’t need an appointment; walk-ins are always welcome.