Immediate Attention?

Dental emergencies are more common than you might think. According to one study, about twenty-two percent of people had serious dental pain over a single six month period. At OnCall Dental in Fresno and Hanford, we’re here for you in an emergency.

But how do you know whether you have a genuine dental emergency? Here are some guidelines to remember:

  • Is there any bleeding? This is probably a dental emergency, especially if you are unable to stop it.
  • Is there serious pain? Severe pain is a big indicator of a dental emergency, especially if there is bleeding.
  • Are there any loose teeth? Even if it doesn’t hurt, there should never be any loose adult teeth. No doubt about it: loose teeth are a dental emergency.
  • Is there a tooth knocked out? If you have have had a tooth knocked out, it is definitely an emergency requiring fast action. If treated promptly it’s possible the tooth can be reimplanted and saved.
  • Is there an infection? An abscess or serious infection in a tooth is not only painful, it can be life-threatening if left untreated.

Generally speaking, if you have a dental issue that needs professional attention in order to stop bleeding, save a tooth, or relieve severe pain, you have a dental emergency.

Immediate Attention?

Some dental problems do not require immediate attention. These include:

  • Chipped or cracked tooth. If there is no pain, you can wait before seeing a dentist. (Don’t wait more than a day or so.)
  • Toothache. If the pain is not severe it probably is not an emergency. Severe pain could mean an abscess, the signs of which include throbbing pain, swelling, sensitivity to temperature or touch, and a fever. (These are indicators of an emergency.)
  • Lost crown or filling. These can be serious, but not urgent. Call us, but it’s probably okay to wait a day or so.

At OnCall Dental in Fresno and Hanford we specialize in emergency dentistry and have experience with everything from toothaches to knocked out teeth. Remember that in an emergency you do not need an appointment. Walk-ins are always welcome!

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704

OnCall Dental – Hanford