Do I Have A Dental Emergency?

If there is a sudden problem with your teeth, the first thing you should do is call your dentist to see if you can get in for treatment right away. But dental problems have a way of happening when your dentist isn’t available. At such times, remember OnCall Dental in Fresno.

Walk-ins are always welcome here, and we will be happy to help you. But it’s important to remember that not every situation is going to be a genuine emergency.

If your teeth are giving you pain, here are some things to think about as you gauge how serious your situation is.

  • Is there bleeding? If you are bleeding from the mouth, and you cannot control it, that’s a big red flag. Head in to our office.
  • How bad is the pain? Is your pain severe? Is it the result of an accident, or is there an infection? Severe pain is another red flag that you’ve got a genuine emergency.
  • Are there any loose teeth? Even if there isn’t any pain, a loose tooth is a sign that there is a serious problem.
  • Did you lose a tooth? If you’ve had a tooth knocked out, there is no question: you have a dental emergency. The sooner you get treatment for it, the better the chances that the tooth can be saved. Time is of the essence.
  • Is there an infection? An infection, too, is definitely an emergency situation. An abcess or serious infection can even be life-threatening. It may be accompanied by swelling of the face, or knots on the gums.

Any of the above symptoms can safely be categorized as a dental emergency. OnCall Dental in Fresno is here for you.

Some things, though, are not emergencies. They may be a little frightening, but you should not have a sense of urgency.

  • Chipped teeth. If there is no pain, you can wait a day or so before getting treatment. If, however, there are sharp fragments where the chip is, or if it really hurts, consider it an emergency.
  • Lost Crown or Filling. These, generally, are not emergencies. If a crown has come off, use over-the-counter dental cement to put it back in place until you can see your dentist. You can also use denture adhesive. Do not, however, use an adhesive like super glue. If a filling has come out and it’s bothering you, a good trick is putting sugarless gum in the cavity until you get to the dentist.
  • A toothache. We know that toothaches are no fun, but provided the pain isn’t severe, it does not need immediate attention. If there is severe pain, or if there is swelling in your face, a high fever, or bumps on your gums, it is definitely an emergency situation. Head to OnCall Dental.

OnCall Dental in Fresno sees dental emergencies on a daily basis. Walk-ins are always welcome, but you can also make an appointment.