How to Handle a Chipped Tooth Emergency in Fresno

man with chipped tooth in FresnoA sudden jolt of reality as you feel a jagged edge where enamel was meant to be. Your tooth. Chipped. You’re not alone, and your situation warrants swift, educated action. If you’re in Fresno and find yourself dealing with a chipped tooth, OnCall Dental – Fresno is here for you.

A chipped tooth is more than a cosmetic setback; it often signals a dental emergency. Not only can it be excruciatingly painful, but it can have lasting effects on your oral health if not addressed properly and promptly. While the initial shock may linger, swift and informed steps can minimize the damage and pain as well as pave the way for effective long-term treatment.

Understanding a Chipped Tooth

Before you can form a plan of action, it’s vital to understand the nature of a chipped tooth. A chipped tooth occurs when a portion of the tooth structure is broken off. This can happen for a multitude of reasons, from biting down on a hard object to trauma or decay. Depending on the severity of the chip, this could range from a mild cosmetic annoyance to a more critical issue that exposes the sensitive inner layers of the tooth, leading to pain and potentially further damage.

The severity of a chipped tooth can be classified into various types:

  • Minor Chip: This is a small piece of enamel that’s broken off, often not causing significant pain. Cosmetic dentistry can usually address this type of chip.
  • Moderate Chip: A bit more substantial, a moderate chip might extend into the dentin or pulp of the tooth, requiring dental attention to avoid infection and further decay.
  • Severe Chip: If a large portion of the tooth breaks off, it can be quite painful, exposing the nerve. Immediate treatment is imperative to save the tooth.

Immediate Actions after Chipping a Tooth

The first moments after chipping a tooth are crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide on what you should do:

1. Assess the Damage

Carefully rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area. Evaluate the size and location of the chip. If it’s a minor chip with no significant pain, you may not need to seek immediate emergency care.

2. Manage Pain and Swelling

If you’re experiencing pain, an over-the-counter pain reliever such as ibuprofen can be helpful. A cold compress applied to the outside of your mouth can also reduce swelling. Avoid using the damaged tooth for eating to prevent further injury.

3. Call OnCall Dental – Fresno

Even if it’s after hours, calling your dentist’s office or an after-hours emergency dental service can provide you with the necessary advice and an appointment for the next business day.

4. Save the Fragment

If a piece of your tooth broke off, try to locate and save it. Moistening it with saliva or milk can help preserve the tissue so it can potentially be reattached by your dentist.

5. Protect Your Tooth

In the meantime, you can protect the chipped tooth by applying dental wax or temporary filling material available at most drug stores. This keeps the area from being exposed to bacteria and food particles that can lead to decay and infection.

Treatment Options for a Chipped Tooth

Once you’ve contacted our team and made an appointment, you can expect a few potential treatment options depending on the severity of the chip:

Cosmetic Bonding

For minor chips, cosmetic bonding can be an effective and minimally invasive treatment. The dentist will apply a tooth-colored resin to the damaged area, shaping and polishing it to match the natural contours of your tooth.

Dental Crown

Moderate to severe chips may require a dental crown, which is a cap placed over the damaged tooth. Crowns protect the tooth from further damage and restore its function and appearance.

Root Canal and Crown

If the chip is large enough to expose the pulp or nerve of the tooth, you may need a root canal to remove damaged tissue and then a crown to restore the tooth’s structure.

Extraction and Implant

In the most severe cases, when the tooth cannot be saved, it may need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant, which provides a permanent solution for missing teeth.

Turning a Dental Emergency into a Positive Experience

Chipping a tooth can be an alarming experience, but it’s one that you can turn into a positive learning opportunity for better oral health practices. By acting swiftly and seeking out OnCall Dental – Fresno, you not only alleviate immediate discomfort but also ensure the long-term health and beauty of your smile.


OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


The Shock of Sudden Tooth Pain: Understanding and Managing Dental Emergencies in Fresno

man in fresno suffering a dental emergency There’s nothing quite like the shock of extreme tooth pain suddenly disrupting your day. Whether it strikes in the quiet of the night or the midst of a busy afternoon, unexplained tooth pain can be debilitating, leaving you desperate for both relief and answers. At OnCall Dental- Fresno, our goal is to make your dental emergency tolerable.

Understanding Dental Emergencies

To appreciate how to manage a dental emergency, it’s vital to distinguish which conditions warrant urgent attention. The most common emergencies include:

Severe Toothaches

These are the kinds of toothaches that feel like your head is about to split open. They might be throbbing, piercing, or constant. The key characteristic is their unrelenting severity, often signaling an underlying issue such as an abscess or decay that has reached the nerve.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

Sudden trauma or biting down on something hard can result in chips or fractures in your teeth, sometimes extending into the dentin or pulp and causing significant pain.

Knocked Out Teeth

Physical impact can sometimes dislodge a tooth from its socket. If you act quickly, there’s a chance the tooth can be saved, but time is of the essence.

Extruded (Partially Dislodged) Teeth

Similar to being knocked out, if a tooth has been partially moved from its original position, this should be treated as a dental emergency.

Lost Filling or Crown

When a filling or crown is suddenly lost, you’re left with an exposed tooth, which can be both painful and at risk of further damage.


Typified by swelling in your mouth, a severe, persistent toothache, and often a foul taste in the mouth, an abscess signals a serious infection that can spread to the jaw and even into the bloodstream.

Recognizing the urgency of these conditions is a crucial first step in responding to dental emergencies.

Immediate Actions and Self-Care

When dental distress strikes, what you do in the next few minutes can significantly impact the outcome. Here’s OnCall Dental – Fresno’s guide on how to respond to different scenarios:

Severe Tooth Ache

  • Rinse your mouth with warm water.
  • If there’s swelling, use a cold compress on the outside of your cheek.
  • Briefly floss to check for any lodged food.
  • If the pain persists, take over-the-counter pain medication (aspirin-free) and contact an emergency dentist.

Chipped or Broken Teeth

  • Save any pieces if possible.
  • Rinse the mouth with warm water and apply gauze to bleeding areas.
  • A cold compress can help with swelling.
  • Contact a dentist for an appointment as soon as possible.

Knocked Out Tooth

  • Retrieve the tooth by the crown (not the root) and rinse it gently if it’s dirty, without scrubbing it.
  • Try to re-insert the tooth into the socket and hold it in place with clean gauze or a washcloth.
  • If it can’t be reinserted, store it in a container of milk, saliva, or a tooth-preservation product available from the pharmacy.
  • Seek immediate dental care.

Extruded Tooth

  • Gently try to push the tooth back into its normal position using very light finger pressure.
  • Hold the tooth in place with a moist tissue or gauze.
  • Call your dentist or an emergency room for an appointment.

Lost Filling or Crown

  • Keep the affected area clean.
  • Purchase dental cement or temporary filling material from the pharmacy to cover the exposed area until you can see the dentist.
  • Never use super glue or any other household adhesive. Dental products are specifically designed for this purpose.


  • Rinse mouth with mild saltwater to help with the swollen area.
  • Contact your dentist for immediate care.

Remember, these are just initial measures to manage pain and prevent further damage. Coming in to see our professionals for proper dental care is crucial for full resolution.

Dealing with a dental emergency can be a jolting experience, but arming yourself with the right knowledge, skills, and resources can turn a frightening situation into a manageable one. By understanding what constitutes a dental emergency, knowing how to respond in the immediate aftermath, and seeking prompt professional care at OnCall Dental – Fresno, you can address the issue with clarity and composure. Remember, you are not alone — our professionals are ready to assist and guide you through these unforeseen events. Take proactive steps now to prepare for the unexpected, and you’ll be much better positioned to handle any uninvited tooth disturbances that cross your path.


OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


Is My Dental Issue an Emergency? Here’s What You Need to Know

Dental emergencies can be scary and overwhelming, but knowing what constitutes a true emergency can help you manage the situation effectively. Whether it’s a severe toothache, unexpected bleeding, or a broken tooth, it’s important to know when to seek immediate dental attention. At OnCall Dental – Fresno, we understand that dental emergencies can happen at any time, so we offer urgent care dental services to help you when you need it the most. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the common dental emergencies and what you can do when faced with them.

1. Severe Toothaches:

A toothache can be unbearable, especially if it’s severe and persistent. If you’re experiencing excruciating pain, it’s likely a sign of an underlying dental issue that needs immediate attention. Some common causes of severe toothaches include infected gums, dental abscesses, and broken or decayed teeth. In cases like these, it’s best to seek emergency dental care ASAP to avoid further complications.

2. Knocked-Out Teeth:

A knocked-out tooth is a serious dental emergency that requires urgent care. If you’ve lost a permanent tooth due to trauma, such as a sports injury, car accident, or fall, you must act quickly. Try to retrieve the tooth and rinse it gently under running water without touching the root. Hold the tooth by the crown and try to put it back in the socket if possible. If this isn’t successful, place the tooth in a container of milk or save a tooth solution. Then, contact our emergency dental team right away.

3. Chipped or Broken Teeth:

A chipped or broken tooth can be a painful and unsightly issue. It can also lead to further complications if left untreated. If you’ve broken or chipped a tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water and apply a cold compress to reduce swelling and pain. We will assess the severity of your injury and recommend the best course of treatment.

4. Dental Abscesses:

A dental abscess is a common dental emergency that occurs when bacteria infect the dental pulp or nerve of a tooth. If left untreated, it can lead to serious complications and even spread to other parts of the body. Symptoms of a dental abscess include severe pain, swelling, and a fever. If you suspect you have a dental abscess, contact our emergency dentists immediately. We will provide a proper diagnosis and recommend the appropriate treatment to relieve your symptoms.

5. Soft Tissue Injuries:

Soft tissue injuries can occur in the mouth due to trauma, such as a blow to the face or a fall. They can lead to excessive bleeding, pain, and swelling. If you’ve sustained a soft tissue injury, rinse your mouth with warm salt water, apply pressure to the affected area with a clean cloth, and seek emergency dental care right away.


Dealing with a dental emergency can be stressful and painful, but knowing when to seek immediate care can help you avoid further complications and relieve your symptoms. At OnCall Dental – Fresno, we offer urgent care dental services to help you when you need it the most. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, don’t wait to seek care. Contact us today to schedule an appointment. We’re here to help!



OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


How OnCall Dental Fresno Can Help You Deal with Chipped or Broken Teeth

Dental emergencies can happen at any time of day or night, and they can be incredibly stressful and painful for patients. Whether it’s due to dental trauma, decay, or another issue, chipped or broken teeth can significantly impact the comfort, functionality, and appearance of your smile. As a leading provider of emergency dental services in Fresno, California, our team at OnCall Dental Fresno is committed to helping patients in need of immediate treatment for chipped or broken teeth. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how we can help you deal with dental emergencies and restore your smile to its former glory.

1. Availability of Emergency Dental Services:

At OnCall Dental Fresno, we understand that dental emergencies can happen at any time, which is why we offer night and weekend dental services to our valued patients. Whether you need urgent attention during business hours or a late-night appointment, our team of expert dentists and support staff is available to help you deal with your chipped or broken tooth. We strive to alleviate your pain and discomfort as soon as possible and ensure that you receive the highest quality care you deserve.

2. Treatment Options for Chipped or Broken Teeth:

Our experienced team of dentists has extensive training and expertise in treating broken or chipped teeth, and we offer a range of treatment options depending on each patient’s unique needs. Some of the most common treatments we offer include bonding, dental crowns, or dental implants. We strive to provide efficient, effective treatments that can restore your smile’s functionality and appearance while minimizing discomfort or pain.

3. Pain Management:

A chipped or broken tooth can cause significant pain and discomfort for patients, which is why we prioritize effective pain management as part of our emergency dental services. Whether it’s through the use of sedation or pain relief medication, we aim to ensure that patients feel as comfortable as possible throughout the treatment process. Our team of professionals takes the time to answer your questions, outline the expected outcomes of each procedure, and design a customized treatment plan that fits your unique needs.

4. Post-Treatment Care:

Following the treatment of a chipped or broken tooth, it’s essential to take proper care of the affected area to ensure optimal healing and prevent future dental issues. We provide patients with comprehensive post-treatment care instructions, including tips on oral hygiene, dietary restrictions, and post-operative pain management. Our team is dedicated to helping patients achieve long-term oral health and well-being and ensure that they feel confident and comfortable with their restored smile.

5. Patient-focused Approach:

At OnCall Dental Fresno, we take pride in offering personalized, compassionate care that prioritizes the patient’s needs and well-being. Our team is committed to creating a comfortable, stress-free environment where patients feel empowered to take control of their oral health. From the moment you walk in the door, you’ll feel welcomed and supported by our friendly dental professionals, who are focused on providing the highest quality care and treatment for your chipped or broken teeth.

A chipped or broken tooth can be a dental emergency that requires immediate attention. At OnCall Dental Fresno, we offer comprehensive emergency dental services to help you deal with these issues quickly. We offer a range of treatment options, pain management strategies, and post-treatment care, and we aim to provide optimal outcomes for your oral health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and experience the difference in emergency dental care from OnCall Dental Fresno.



OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


Your Solution to Dental Pain

Dental pain can be excruciating and can cause you to lose sleep or interfere with your daily routine. However, you don’t have to endure this pain as OnCall Dental Fresno CA provides fast and efficient dental service to ease any discomfort. Our team of experienced and professional dentists provides a wide range of dental services, including emergency dental services to cater to your dental needs. In this blog post, we will highlight why you should consider OnCall Dental Fresno CA for all your dental needs.

1. Responsive Emergency Dental Services

At OnCall Dental Fresno CA, we understand that dental emergencies can be unpredictable and unbearable. To such clients, we offer emergency dental services that cater to any dental issue that requires immediate attention. Our team of dentists is readily available anytime and any day to take care of your emergency dental cases. We focus on providing fast and efficient dental services to ensure our clients are free from any discomfort or pain.

2. Professional Dental Services

At OnCall Dental Fresno CA, we believe that quality dental services are more than just treating the dental issue at hand. Our experienced and professional dentists provide comprehensive dental care services tailored to every individual’s dental needs. During dental appointments, our dentists take the time to explain various dental procedures, and preventive dentistry methods, and answer any concerns that the clients may have. We provide personalized dental care as we understand every patient has unique dental needs.

3. State of The Art Dental Technology

We pride ourselves on providing high-quality dental care, which is facilitated by our modern and state-of-the-art dental technology. At OnCall Dental Fresno CA, we use advanced dental equipment and materials to make sure our clients receive optimum dental services. Our digital radiography and intraoral cameras allow for accurate diagnoses and treatment, while our dental lasers facilitate efficient and painless dental treatments.

4. Affordable Dental Services

As part of our commitment to providing dental care for everyone, OnCall Dental Fresno CA offers affordable dental services without compromising quality. Our dental services’ price structure is transparent, and we provide detailed estimates before we start any dental procedure. We also accept various payment options to cater to clients’ financial abilities and offer in-house financing options for those who qualify.

5. Compassionate Dental Care

Our core focus is on providing compassionate and patient-centered dental care. We understand that dental appointments or procedures can cause anxiety and discomfort to clients, and we provide a welcoming environment that helps to ease any dental anxiety. Our team of dentists is honest, caring, and passionate about providing the best dental care to all our clients.

OnCall Dental Fresno CA is dedicated to providing professional and efficient dental services to all clients. Our combination of state-of-the-art dental technology, affordable services, and compassionate patient care is what sets us apart. Don’t endure any dental pain or discomfort; contact OnCall Dental Fresno CA to book your dental appointment today.

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


OnCall Dental in Fresno CA, Your Emergency Dentistry Experts for an Active Lifestyle

An active lifestyle can bring a lot of joy and fulfillment to life. However, it can also lead to emergency dental needs. Sports injuries, accidents, and sudden toothaches can happen at any hour of the day, leaving you in need of a reliable emergency dentist. Fortunately, OnCall Dental in Fresno CA specializes in emergency dental care for those with an active lifestyle. We understand the urgency and importance of getting you the care you need to ensure you can continue to live your active life to the fullest.

1. Emergency Dental Services for Sports Injuries

Active lifestyles often include some form of sports participation, whether it be high-intensity activities like football or low-impact sports like yoga. If you suffer a sports injury, waiting for regular office hours to see a dentist can worsen the situation. At OnCall Dental, we offer immediate emergency dental care for all types of sports injuries, including chipped, cracked, or knocked-out teeth.

2. Fast Relief for Sudden Toothaches

Toothaches can be unbearable and can happen at any time of day. If you’re faced with unexpected pain, our expert dentists at OnCall Dental can help. Our emergency dental services provide fast relief for sudden toothaches, whether it be due to dental decay, a lost filling, or a tooth fracture. We provide expert treatment to alleviate pain, prevent further damage, and get you back to the activities you love.

3. Convenient Extended Hours for Busy Schedules

For those with an active lifestyle, finding time to schedule appointments during regular office hours can be a challenge. That’s why we offer extended hours at OnCall Dental to better accommodate your busy schedule. Our convenient hours ensure that you can receive the dental care you need when it works best for you, whether it be early in the morning or later in the evening.

4. Modern Dental Technology for Enhanced Care

Our dentists at OnCall Dental are continually updating our techniques and technology to ensure that you receive the highest level of care possible. We utilize modern dental technology to provide enhanced emergency dental care, including digital x-rays, intraoral cameras, and state-of-the-art dental equipment. This ensures that you receive precise diagnostics and effective treatment to get you back to your active lifestyle as soon as possible.

5. Exceptional Customer Service for a Stress-Free Experience

We understand that dental emergencies can be stressful and overwhelming. At OnCall Dental, we strive to provide exceptional customer service to ensure the best possible experience during a difficult time. Our compassionate and friendly staff will help you through the process and put you at ease, so you can receive the dental care you need with confidence.

An active lifestyle can bring immense joy, but it also requires an emergency dental plan in place. At OnCall Dental in Fresno, CA, we understand the importance of quick emergency dental care, extended hours, advanced technology, and exceptional customer service. We provide comprehensive emergency dental care services for those leading an active lifestyle, so you can get back to what you love most, as soon as possible. Contact us today to schedule your appointment.

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


Don’t Let a Broken Tooth Ruin Your Roller Rink Fun!

If you’re like most people, the thought of spending an evening at the roller rink brings back fond memories. But what would happen if one of your teeth broke while you were enjoying yourself? If you don’t have a regular dentist, you may feel helpless and not know where to turn for emergency dental care. Fortunately, OnCall Dental in Fresno CA offers emergency dental services on weekends and evenings so that you don’t have to put your life on hold until Monday morning. Keep reading to learn more about what we can do for you.

Emergency Services We Offer

At OnCall Dental in Fresno CA, we understand how important it is to receive emergency dental care as soon as possible after a problem arises. That’s why our team is available 24/7 to provide prompt and effective treatment for any type of dental emergency. Whether it’s a broken tooth or a severe toothache, our skilled dentists will be able to examine the problem and find the best solution for your needs. We offer same-day appointments so that you can get relief from your pain and discomfort quickly.

We also offer emergency root canal treatments for patients who are suffering from an abscessed tooth or other severe problems. Our experienced dentists will carefully examine the affected area before beginning any treatment procedures. This helps ensure that we provide the most effective care possible in order to reduce any further damage or pain associated with the injury or infection.

Why Choose Us?

When it comes to finding emergency dental services, it’s important to choose an experienced provider who has been providing quality care in the area for many years. At OnCall Dental in Fresno CA, we have been serving local residents since 2003 and take pride in offering personalized service and individual attention when it comes to addressing each patient’s unique needs. Our goal is always to provide fast relief from pain and discomfort while helping each patient regain their natural oral health as quickly as possible. We strive to make every visit a positive experience by providing friendly and professional service throughout your entire treatment process.

No matter what type of dental emergency you may be facing, our team at OnCall Dental in Fresno CA is here to help! Our experienced dentists are available 24/7 to provide prompt and effective treatments that are tailored specifically for your individual needs. With same-day appointments available and flexible payment options, we make getting quality dental care easy without putting your life on hold until Monday morning! So don’t let an unfortunate accident at the roller rink ruin your fun—call us today for fast relief from pain and discomfort!

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


OnCall Dental is Here for Your Emergency Dental Needs

Whether you’re a skateboarder, an inline skater, or just out enjoying the park, accidents can happen. If you’ve hit a curb too hard and find yourself needing emergency dental care in Fresno, CA, look no further than OnCall Dental. Our experienced team of doctors and staff are available 24/7 to provide you with the help you need following an accident at the skate park.

The Benefits of Emergency Care with OnCall Dental

At OnCall Dental in Frenso, CA, we understand that managing an emergency dental situation isn’t easy. Our team is here to make sure that your experience is as stress-free as possible. We offer same-day appointments so that you can receive the treatment you need quickly and effectively. We also have flexible payment plans to make sure that your treatment fits into your budget without sacrificing quality.

We also understand how important it is to get back on your feet after any type of accident or injury—especially if it affects your mouth or teeth. That’s why we work hard to get you back in the swing of things as soon as possible using our state-of-the-art technology and techniques. From emergency fillings and crowns to root canal therapy and more, we have everything necessary to get you feeling better right away!

At OnCall Dental, We Put You First

Our team understands how important it is to feel comfortable when dealing with an emergency dental situation. That’s why we always put our patients first by offering personalized care and attention from start to finish. We take the time to get to know each patient on an individual basis so that we can tailor their care plan accordingly!

Conclusion: Don’t let fear stop you from seeking immediate dental care if something should happen while at the skate park—OnCall Dental has got your back! Our experienced team will provide quality treatment while keeping your comfort in mind every step of the way. You can trust us with all of your emergency dental needs—just give us a call today!

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


Dental Emergency? Here’s What To Do

If emergencies were convenient, they wouldn’t be emergencies. When a dental emergency happens, acting fast in those key moments can make all the difference between a fixed tooth and a lost tooth. This is why, at OnCall Dental in Frenso CA, we keep all our patients informed of our complete dental emergency services.

Dental emergencies happen most often at night or weekend. During parties and relaxing gatherings, we can be less careful with out bodies and smiles. During these hours, you might find yourself taking part in activities that can result in cracked, chipped, or knocked out teeth.

If your tooth cracks, first things first: give your mouth a rinse with warm water to clear away any debris and harmful bacteria. Then, use a cold compresses to help minimize swelling. When you’re done doing all that, head quickly to our office!

If you bite your lip or tongue, we recommend the same procedure. Clean the area gently by swishing some water, and then apply a cold compress to your the abrasion.

But what if your tooth is knocked out altogether?  One tackle or an elbow to the jaw, and you might have yourself a bigger problem than just some chips and gaps. If your tooth has fallen out, timing is critical. Try to reinsert the fallen tooth loosely back into your jaw, making sure not to touch its root. If this is not possible without pain or discomfort, don’t force it! Instead, nestle the tooth safely between your cheek and your gums, or even place it inside a glass of milk.

The most vital instruction we can give is to take the fastest, most direct route to our offices. If we are able to treat the missing tooth inside the hour, chances are high that we can save your natural tooth and root.

Though this post only covers certain dental emergencies, the list of possible accidents and mishaps is endless. Painful toothaches that wake you up from your restful sleep, objects that get lodged between your teeth and cause pain; whatever the problem might be, we can help! OnCall Dental in Fresno CA offers emergency dentistry, as well as general dentistry, toothache relief, and many other services. Contact us today! In an emergency, walk-ins are welcome.

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704


Chipped Tooth, Cracked Tooth: What’s The Difference?

Our patients at OnCall Dental in Fresno present us with different types of tooth damage. Any kind of tooth trauma can be scary, and we take even minor damage seriously, and repair it.

Healthy teeth are really strong, but are as vulnerable to injury as any other part of the body. A little roughhousing among friends, an accident on the playing field, or a mishap at home can cause a serious problem.

Treatment Options

Here are the different types of tooth traumas, and what we can do about them.

  • A chipped tooth is probably the least serious. They don’t usually hurt much, although the tooth’s jagged edge can irritate the mouth’s soft tissue. But it’s possible the tooth interior is exposed. Small chips can be filled and polished, while larger chips may required a crown.
  • A cracked tooth may have a fracture near thte gumline, moving to the outer part of the tooth. Cracked teeth are more likely to be painful, and severe cracks can reach the root and destroy the tooth. Smaller ones can be filled with resin, while larger cracks can splinted and may require a root canal.

At OnCall Dental in Fresno and Hanford we want to know about any tooth trauma right away. Take no chances! We have a lot of experience with dental emergencies. In an urgent situation no appointment is necessary; walk-ins are welcome!

Contact OnCall Dental (Tap to open in Google Maps):

OnCall Dental – Fresno
5492 N Palm Ave Ste A
Fresno, CA 93704
